EAF Meltshops

EAF Meltshops

A total liquid steel production capacity of 6.2 million tonnes is maintained in three different steel mills within Tosyalı Algérie.

In the EAF melting plants, where steel can be produced both from scrap and DRI, investments have been made in the most efficient Arc Furnace systems equipped with the world’s most advanced technologies through collaborations.

In the EAF melting plant, an electric arc is created with high voltage application in the Arc Furnace, and the steel is smelted using the high temperature (over 1,800 °C) produced by this arc.

Thus, Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) entering the Arc Furnace (EAF) is converted into liquid steel and fed into the continuous casting machine (CCM).

The Arc Furnace, which can also utilize scrap metal material in addition to DRI, plays a crucial role in the high-quality steel production and production flexibility of Tosyalı Algérie.